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Amazon SageMaker

Amazon SageMaker is a cloud-based machine-learning platform that allows the creation, training, and deployment by developers of machine-learning models on the cloud. It can be used to deploy ML models on embedded systems and edge-devices.

App Details

Version: 1

Developer Details


Meet your technical teams where they are. Automatically pull model data into Credo AI for governance without disrupting the Machine Learning Engineering workflow. Associate all models in Credo AI to AI Use Cases for governance.


Integration Type: Model Upload

Eliminate AI governance burden on engineering teams by connecting directly to your model store in Credo AI.

Integration Type: Evidence Ingestion

Upload critical evidence that your AI is safe, secure, fair, and compliant. Reduce engineering burden by identifying only the required evidence for AI governance and compliance.

Model Data

For every SageMaker model reflected in Credo AI, populate model version, owner and last registration data from SageMaker. Use this information to govern model version differently if need be. 

Model Cards

Automatically populate a Model Card in the Credo AI registry with Limitation, Description, Model Performance, Model Architecture data and more from SageMaker. Use this information to properly govern associated AI Use Cases. 

Integration Diagrams


Model Registry

Model Registry

Amazon SageMaker
Amazon SageMaker

Model Store

Model Store


App Details

Version: 1

Developer Details