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App Details

Version: 1

Developer Details


Meet your submitters where they are. If they are used to registering AI Use Cases in your CRM, let them continue to do so and let the Credo AI / Salesforce integration pull those into Credo AI as AI Use Cases.


Integration Type: Use Case Import

Pull in your AI use cases in a single inventory built for governance. Only Salesforce records marked with the "Send to Credo AI as Use Case?" field selected are automatically pulled into Credo AI as AI Use Cases. 

Governance Status

Like any Use Case created in Credo AI directly, all AI Use Cases created through Salesforce will begin in Credo AI with Governance Status: "Intake". Move your AI Use Cases to "Governance" once the Governance Plan has been approved.

AI Use Case Lifecycle Stage

Want all AI Use Cases Generated externally to land in Credo AI in the "Review" stage? Credo AI's Jira integration allows folks to select the right stage for each ingested AI Use Case to match their AI Governance process.  

Reporter & Description

The custom record's Owner becomes the AI Use Case's Owner in Credo AI. The custom record's description becomes the AI Use Case's description in Credo AI. 

Integration Diagrams


AI Registry

AI Registry


Custom Object

Custom Object




App Details

Version: 1

Developer Details